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Helpful Information and Resources

Mom and a Child

After a Tornado: Help for Kids, Parents, and Teachers

Following the destruction of the recent tornadoes, these helpful tip sheets from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network can help you know what to expect, how to respond, and when to seek additional help.


Helping Young Children Heal after a Tornado


Tips for Teachers whose students have experienced a tornado


Printable Children's Book to read and discuss with your children


Parent tips: How to Respond to Infants and Toddlers 


Parent tips: How to Respond to Preschoolers


Parent tips: How to Respond to School age Children


Parent tips: How to Respond to Teens

Autism Therapy

When Children Grieve

Children who experience a death or significant loss in their lives are often experiencing such an event for the first time. Due to their still developing brains they often experience death differently than

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